Kacey Jordan -- a porn star who partied with Charlie Sheen during his cocaine binge back in January -- tried to kill herself last night ... this according to police.
The Chicago Police Department rushed to the Peninsula Hotel around 6:51 PM last night after receiving calls from the hotel after Kacey twittered several suicidal messages,saying she had taken a bunch of pills and alcohol and was waiting to die. This is not the first time Kacey tried to take her life. There was a previous incident in Las Vegas soon after the AVN Awards in January. Where police again had to rush to her rescue after her sister read one of her tweets, and called police and hotel staff to her rescue. (READ MORE ABOUT KACEY SUICIDE ATTEMPT)
We're told when cops got to the hotel, Kacey was sitting on her bed -- with prescription pill bottles, broken glass and alcohol all over her room.
Law enforcement sources tell us Jordan had cuts and scrapes to her wrists and arms, but insisted the suicide messages were merely a publicity stunt.
While Kacey was talking to police, we're told the porn star grabbed a corkscrew bottle opener tried to run out of the room and attempted to cut herself.
Cops eventually subdued Kacey before she could further harm herself and took her to a nearby hospital for a mental evaluation.
We're told cops reported the incident as a non-criminal suicide attempt.
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